Monday, February 27, 2012


so , I have an 18 year old, younger brother, he is annoying he is smart, he is sooo handsome, he is popular , he is a germ freak , he is hard headed and last but not least- he is HILARIOUS.  He is by far one of the funniest people I know.  He is almost too funny.   So one day I decided to make a YouTube for him because I thought that just about every single person in the world would find this kid to be just as funny as I thought he was.  His name is Michael.  You can find him on Facebook and stuff duah. But if you are looking for a laugh that turns your bad day into a forgotten day or a pee- in - your- pants chuckle - I think you should take a peep at his YouTube.  I will post the link to his YouTube page, and you can be the judge of what you see, but I doubt anyone will be disappointed.  The latest video I have posted up is of him my boyfriend and my friend dancing, in my basement, and his antics are raving.  I don’t know maybe I’m obsessed with my brother, probably not, I just love him. 

Here is the direct link so check it out.

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