Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Coincidence ? Or Revelation

So , I made my blog at 2:30 am - I'm sitting in this obnoxiously boring class about the ecosystem - u can just call this class BIOLOGY . My teacher is so empty he has no substance - I would just say he is a lazy soul lol just trying to get paid. But when I'm here I cannot ignore my phone , duah , and I need to use it just like I am Doing right now . But anyways , I sat down about 30 mins ago and decided to read my horoscope .
I read horoscopes becaus do think they are insightful of certain instances and occurrences in my current life . I choose to not let everything I read consume my brain with an exaggerated and elaborated forceful thought process that could end up like a maze, in my mind. I think too much but I know that I was not buggin out when I read this horoscope today ( not every horoscope is a legit informant or prediction) .

But I would like my followers to take a look at what my horoscope said today because it is perfectly on point like a freshly sharpened pencil.

You are a wise person, Capricorn, so you surely will recognize the great wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi. He once said "the future depends on what we do in the present." That simple observation is very applicable to a decision you now face. You can have the success you want, but you have to lay the groundwork for it. An upcoming choice will involve several options, and it may be difficult to make. But if you look realistically toward the future, you will have only one real option. Follow your heart, stick to your guns, and you will have what you want.

I am going where I want to go and I am doing what I want to do , I have never felt so complete In my life .

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